6 Plumbing Myths That Could Be Costing You Money

The plumbing system is an integral part of any house; hence, it is essential that homeowners perform routine maintenance checks to ensure that it’s in good working condition.

If you value your home, you would want to prevent any plumbing issues to avoid extensive damage that might be too costly to repair.

plumbing myths

Many homeowners, however, do not want to spend too much on plumbing services, so they believe many plumbing myths that may cause more harm than good.

Remember that experts, like the plumber in Leesburg, can give you the best advice regarding your plumbing system. It is also good to know some of these myths to avoid having trouble with your plumbing system in the future.

Debunking Plumbing Myths

Homeowners must understand plumbing well to address issues and prevent costly repairs effectively. Here are some common myths about plumbing that Adam from Essendon Plumbing Services recommends debunking:

Putting Lemon Down The Drain Can Clean It

Many homeowners think that squeezing lemon—or even putting lemon rinds—down the drain and letting it sit for 10 minutes before rinsing it with boiling water can actually clean it. Well, this isn’t true.

While the citric acid in lemons helps make your drain smell better, they do not clean it or prevent it from being clogged.

In fact, too much lemon can be corrosive to your home’s plumbing system, which means that you’ll need more routine plumbing checks in the future.

Moreover, if you put rinds in your disposal drain, it may even be the cause of clogging or may dull the blades of the grinders. Therefore, steer clear of lemons to give your drain a longer life.

You Can Flush Anything Down The Toilet Bowl

It’s easy to assume that you can flush anything down the toilet bowl as it’ll just disappear.

However, this isn’t entirely true because there are some things that can cause serious clogging issues.

The rule of thumb is to find out if the item will dissolve or disintegrate in water. Only if it does should you flush it down the toilet.

As long as anything dissolves in water, it should be completely fine to flush. With that said, you should avoid any of these to avoid future plumbing dilemmas:

  • Cotton swabs
  • Paper towels
  • Diapers
  • Grease
  • Makeup
  • Feminine hygiene items
  • Hair
  • Oils

If you don’t flush any of these items down your toilet, you’ll get to save money in the long run.

There’s No Clog As Long As Stuff Is Going Down

It is easy to make a faulty judgment on whether or not your pipes are clogged based on the speed of water drainage. When water is slow to empty in your sinks, tubs or showers, it is enough proof that the pipes are clogged and need immediate attention.

Worse, if you hear gurgling sounds even if the water is going down, then it raises a red flag about the condition of your pipes.

Water needs to flow through your drainage pipes as smoothly and quickly as possible. If you notice these signs, make sure to call a reliable plumber who can address these serious plumbing issues. If you don’t get rid of that clog, you may end up with a much bigger problem in the future.

You Can Ignore Leaky Faucets

Another common plumbing myth is that you can ignore leaky faucets. Many are often hesitant to tackle the problem because it’ll require time and money.

Nonetheless, it is best to prevent bigger problems from occurring than ending up with a leaky faucet that’s so bad you have to replace the entire fixture and even be forced to repair the wall/carpet.

The constant drips that you think are insignificant could actually end up costing you hundreds of dollars in wasted water.

Older pipes have a higher tendency of developing leaks after freezing winters or hot summers because their materials react faster to changing conditions; so, it is important to give them extra attention compared to your newer pipes.

You are sure to experience consequences if you ignore leaky faucets. It is essential for you to address the issue at hand before they become worse. This will save you both the money and trouble in the long run.

Plumbing Fixtures Need Little To No Maintenance

Your duty as a responsible homeowner is to regularly inspect and maintain your plumbing system. This includes closely examining the pipes, toilets, faucets, and sinks to ensure everything is in perfect working condition.

However, there’s a common misconception that doing all this isn’t necessary and you could use your time or money better.

If you value and care about your home, this isn’t a mistake you want to make.

Ignoring routine inspection and maintenance of the plumbing system only leads to bigger issues in the long run. This is expected as you won’t quickly notice possible issues such as shifting home foundations or tree roots and clogs in the plumbing system.

As a result, you’ll be forced to replace the pipe or sewer line, which isn’t cheap.

Consequently, you should be proactive and make it a habit to routinely check and maintain your plumbing system.This precautionary approach will ensure you’re never caught off-guard with issues such as water leakage.

Also, remember that this inspection and maintenance of the plumbing system should be left to a qualified plumber.

Most Plumbing Issues Can Be Fixed As DIY Jobs

Many homeowners believe that their problems can be solved without the help of a professional, especially in today’s tough economic times.

Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case. You should acknowledge that repairing certain plumbing issues on your own could cause more damage if it isn’t done correctly.

Knowing this, it’s best to avoid assuming that you can do all plumbing tasks on your own. Instead, consider hiring a qualified plumber with the necessary skills and experience.

They have the necessary tools and know which safety protocols to observe when resolving complex plumbing problems.

When To Hire a Professional Plumber

If you experience a significant water leak, burst pipe, or issues with your water supply, such as no water or low water pressure, calling a plumber immediately is crucial to prevent extensive water damage. Persistent or severe clogs may require a plumber’s expertise, especially if the blockage is deep within the plumbing system.

When installing new plumbing fixtures like faucets, sinks, or toilets, hiring a plumber ensures proper installation, preventing potential leaks and other issues. Gas line problems are serious safety concerns, and if you suspect a gas leak or encounter issues with your gas line, you must contact a professional plumber.

Issues with the sewer line, such as foul odors, slow drains, or sewage backups, require the expertise of a plumber who can perform inspections and address problems. Dripping faucets may seem minor, but they can increase utility bills, making it worthwhile to have a plumber repair or replace faulty faucets.

During home renovations or remodeling projects that involve changes to the plumbing system, consulting a professional plumber ensures compliance with local building codes and proper installation. Unpleasant odors from drains or the plumbing system could indicate a sewer or drainage issue, and a plumber can identify and address the source of the odor.


Unless you’re an expert, it’s easy to fall prey to the common myths that surround plumbing. You don’t want to find yourself in this unfortunate situation especially because plumbing is an essential part of your home.

After debunking these myths, you’re now more equipped in better maintaining your plumbing system at home.

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