From Drab to Fab: How to Give Your Patio a Makeover

Your patio is the part of the house that resembles an oasis of silence and tranquility. It’s a small part of paradise deeply embedded into the urban jungle of concrete and steel. It gives you a sense of serenity and is the perfect place for any type of social gathering.

Unfortunately, nothing can stand resilient against the test of time without changing its appearance and looks. It’s said that the ancient and great pyramid of Giza once stood with a golden cap and was covered with white marble, though even today it stands as a testimony of human achievement; it’s a shadow of its former self.

Similarly, your patio (no matter how well built) after a decade of use needs a nice makeover to give it its former glory and beauty. But the question you might be asking is how? How can you make it look even better than before? In the text below, we’ll give you a comprehensive guide on how to give your patio a makeover that will put its old looks to shame.

patio makeover

Assess and Clean the Space

First, you’ll have to assess the situation. How dirty is the patio, does it need a deep scrub, or is a simple water wash with the garden hose more than enough? Look to identify any issues, such as cracked pavers, weeds, or dirt buildup. If it’s time for a deep clean, let’s take out those old working gloves and get to work.

Cut any grass, flowers, and weeds that found their way through the small cracks in the ground. Next, depending on whether your patio is made from stone or wood, you’ll have to take the needed chemical cleaners to make it shine. Any store nearby has the basic chemicals to do the deep clean.

Of course, read the instructions carefully, make sure you’ve assessed the situation right, taken all the precautionary measures, and remember some chemicals can be harmful when in direct contact with skin. Power wash the surfaces, remove any debris, and trim overgrown plants.

There are also many chemicals you can use to kill the weeds if you’re not in the mood to pick them with your hands. After a good scrub and a few deep cleans, you’ll see what’s been hiding beneath the surface, and the true potential of the patio will be revealed.

Plan Your Layout

Next on the list is to plan your layout. The best way to make it into a dream patio is to consider its use. Will it be an outdoor dining area, a relaxation spot, or a space for social gatherings? Sketch a layout that includes designated areas for seating, dining, and any other activities you envision.

One thing to consider is the flow of movement. You’re probably planning on putting out some furniture. The important thing is to plan out where people are going to move, how they’re going to move, and whether there’ll be enough space for everyone to walk around freely. You’re probably planning on inviting guests, maybe holding a nice party or dinner, or just having some family time with your loved ones. In any case, you’ll have to consider all these factors before making the next move.

Choose the Right Furniture

Next on the list, once you’ve cleaned the whole area and planned out the layout of everything, is to consider the kind of furniture you’ll be picking out for the patio. Opt for pieces that are not only stylish but also durable and weather-resistant. Keep in mind that materials like teak, aluminum, and all-weather wicker are excellent choices for outdoor furniture.

Also, consider multifunctional pieces, such as storage benches or extendable tables, to maximize the utility of your space. One interesting thought is getting modular patio furniture designed in pieces (modules) that can be arranged into multiple configurations. Modular furniture ticks all the boxes, it’s stylish, well-made, functional, and doesn’t take up much space.

Many great retailers are offering amazing deals for patio furniture, giving you quality and many designs and models to choose from. Think of the patterns and the color scheme, and make sure they fit well with the overall design and concept of the patio. For the outdoors, you should be looking for something more natural; for example, wood and stone give it a nice village-rustic-like appearance.

Incorporate Greenery

Although you’re already outside, incorporating nice pieces of greenery around the patio and furniture gives it that “special” touch. A few palm trees, some nice vases, a couple of beautiful miniature lemon trees, and some wonderful flowers surrounding the whole area give an exotic feel.

Potted plants, hanging baskets, and vertical gardens are great options for adding greenery without taking up too much space. Think of the climate, air humidity, and whether the plants need any special care; simply watering them will do the trick.

Add Lighting

While the sun is slowly sinking behind the horizon and the last rays of sunlight are disappearing, it’s time to click the light switch and make your patio unforgettable. String lights, lanterns, and solar-powered garden lights are excellent options for creating a warm and inviting ambiance.

Use a combination of overhead lighting for general illumination and task lighting for specific areas like dining or reading. A nice touch is candles and a place for a bonding fire. It gives it a special cozy feel, is great for campfire marshmallows and scary stories, and highlights the features of the patio.

Décor Is Always Nice

Personalizing the patio with a few pieces of decor that simply scream individuality and taste is always a great idea. It can be as simple as a few pieces of well-placed accessories or maybe some nice souvenirs from your last trip to an exotic destination. If you think about it, anything looks great in the open.

Outdoor rugs, metal sculptures or weather-resistant prints, voodoo masks, dream catchers, etc.—you get the idea. Whatever gives the patio that fine extra touch, making it more authentic and unique, goes very well with the rest of the backyard.

As we said, your patio is the perfect place to let your creativity loose. You can do whatever you want. With a nice layout plan, a deep scrub of the patio, and the right furniture, you can turn it into a real oasis of tranquility and enjoy the hot summer days.

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